In the roster of familiar names that make up the patchwork of original German settlers to Harris County, the Metzler lineage stands out as having contributed prominently to the local community for close to a century and a half. The family patriarch, Jacob John Metzler, Sr. was born in 1806 in Oberhorlen, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany. His first wife, Elizabeth Chrismann, died shortly after their fourth child was born. At the age of 32, he married a new young bride, Elisabeth Arnold, in Niederdieten,Germany, and the marriage record states that he was employed at the time as a ‘Schlachten’, meaning butcher. The lure of free land grants from the Consulate of the Republic of Texas enticed Jacob John and his family to the new land, and with their five children, they emigrated sometime prior to February 15, 1847. Expecting to settle in a colony established by a certain Henry Castro, they discovered upon arriving in Galveston that no arrangements had been made to provide them with the expected land. Their intention then was to continue through the local area and settle deeper in the heart of the state. It was our good fortune that the beautiful and abundant local resources changed their minds, and they joined other brave families who had left their native lands to carve out a place in this part of the Texas frontier.
Once established in the area, the family tree continued to expand and thrive. After just one generation on American soil, Metzler progeny were represented in many professions and areas of community service. Prominent among them was Dr. Jacob F.W. Metzler (1856-1921), one of the first family physicians in early Texas. He was a familiar site in his horse-drawn buggy, traveling the roads at all hours of day and night, attending to his patients. His cousin, Henry Louie Metzler, (1867-1952); well known in his time for his trademark handlebar moustache; raised his own seven children in the white frame house that once stood just off of Kuykendahl Road, down the lane from where Metzler Elementary School now stands.
Familiar surnames from other German settlers were soon taking their place in the Metzler genealogy; Kleb, Allwelt, Eggeling, Theiss, Hillegeist, and many more. The family grew and thrived. Hard work and commitment to community were traits that continued through the bloodline, as Pearl E. Metlzer Pevateaux Hirsch (1895-1983), exemplified. One of the original teachers in this part of the state, she so inspired her students and their families that the Hirsch School in Spring was named in her honor. Henry Max Metzler (1903-1990) was a member of the Houston Police force and a local constable, served on the Tomball I.S.D. School Board and was a founder of the Tomball Museum. He was the recipient of the Rotary International Community Service Award in 1989. His brother, Jack Curtis Metzler (1914-1983), served his country as a tank mechanic in WWII.
For close to 160 years, the Metzler name has been woven into the fabric of the local environment. The family has farmed the land, supported the local community through service and sacrifice, and made personal and professional contributions too numerous to mention. Jack W. Metzler and other current family members continue in this honorable tradition, and we are immensely proud that he, and Metzler family, have given us the gift of their name for our new Elementary School. The legacy of their strength and perseverance will carry into the future, as our young students live and learn on the same ground that provided the Metzlers with such inspiration to succeed and prosper.