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Husky PAWS

The Husky PAWS is a student group made up of 4th and 5th grade students who are enthusiastic about serving their school and community through promoting the Metzler Elementary motto, “Working together as a team.”

The PAWS serve in the following ways:

  • Greet and assist parents and students at “Meet the Teacher".
  • Assist Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers with dismissal during the first weeks of school.
  • Collect and sort items for the annual Fall Food Drive.
  • Distribute cookie dough, the school fundraiser held in the fall.
  • Assist during Kindergarten round-up.
  • Help promote special events

Husky Paws are chosen by completing an application and answering a few short essay questions. A teacher recommendation form is also required. They meet twice a month during the fall and once per month in the spring.

These students serve as good role models for all Husky students. This can be summarized by looking at their name.


Positive attitudes
Assisting others
Working as a team
Student leadership