Coding Club
Coding Club Coaches: Ms. Amanda Posterick and Ms. Jennifer Wallace
Coding Club is open to grades 3-5. Members will be selected randomly from the applications turned in by the deadline on the form. Applications are sent home with all 3rd-5th grade students in their Wednesday folders, usually in late September or early October. Announcements will also be made on the morning announcements before applications go home and before they are due reminding students that are interested. If we have more students apply than we have spots available, a waiting list will be created.
Coding Club members will present their completed Coding Club projects and have the opportunity to compete in Coding Club competitions. Coding Club runs from October through May and students are expected to attend every meeting. Excessive absences will result in members being dismissed from Coding Club as described in the Coding Club application.
Coding Club members are expected to follow all expectations set in the Klein ISD student handbook as well as the Coding Club rules and expectations that will be covered at the first meeting and sent to all Coding Club families to review digitally. Any members that do not follow the rules and expectations will be dismissed from Coding Club.
*All Coding Club students must maintain passing grades in all subject areas and have only E's and S's in conduct to participate in Coding Club.
Metzler Elementary's Coding Club was founded in 2016 by Amanda Posterick and Jessica Taylor.
Please contact Ms. Amanda Posterick or Ms. Jennifer Wallace for more information regarding Coding Club.
Hour of Code
All Metzler students, grades K-5, will participate in the Hour of Code in December to try coding for an hour in their classrooms during the school day.
Coding Links
Students that are interested in learning more about coding are encouraged to check out the following sites: